Friday, June 4, 2010

Dream Team

When I first heard about Super Junior will come to Dream Team I was really excited.
I mean, Eunhyuk is part of DT so Eunhyuk will battle against SJ.
So I was thinking not all the members will participate as SJ has lots of members.
Even 3 of them are not around :(
But, its okay.
Okay then I started to guess the members that going to play against DT
Heechul's out - because of the accident I don't think he can do the task
Kyuhyun's out - same reason as Hee's
Then I was like Ryeowook also might not participate - I just can't imagine him in DT -.-"
And I did good! Because these 3 boys did not participate in the show heeee
Kyu came while recording but not as participants :)

Then, on Wednesday when they were recording, I posted a status on FB saying that I couldn't wait to see Yesung's and Teuk's fails in the show.
Don't get me wrong, but I just know they are going to fail D:
I found it cute though teehee
And again I was right Yesung was the first to drop out followed by Teuk :D
I really wanted to see how they did.
I really want to see Shindong with his gags.
Plus I heard Leeteuk became the co-MC lol *attentionseeker*
I avoided watching fancams. *spoilersD:*
And from what I read Donghae cried when he was drop out. Cute much ? :D
From most of the fan taken pics, I really fall in love with Sungmin

And as expected Siwon would be SJ's last representative *hee'shorseteehee*
DT's were Minho anddd Eunhyuk! :D

Enough of spazzing about Dream Team lol
But this episode will definitely be aired when I'm in University :(
If dapat dekat confirm balik rumah tengok!

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