Monday, April 18, 2011

110418 Henry's tweets (update)

omg Henry Lau ;_;
so what happened was he was curious about his hairstyles etc
so StringswHenry make a poll out of this on their wordpress
so Henry tweeted again and asked fans to vote on swh poll
everyone was like sdkjhfdjsfhsdj he put stringswhenry's wordpress in his tweet
i was shocked too lmao

then he when to baidu to ask chinese strings to give their opinions too
but lol chinese are banned from these sites wordpress, twitter, tumblr etc
so stringswhenry told him chinese couldn't view the sites
then henry replied their tweet ;_;

oh and he made a lot of typos in baidu lol
when are you going to improve your chinese lmao
well he always made typos in chinese but the title of the thread he made is the worst ;_;

he wrote "大家好! 我有一个问题要吻你们!"
which means hello everybody! i have a question to KISS you!"
lol henry i love you!

edit :

he tweeted again!

"thanks everyone! lol take care n goodnight!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR.MIMI!"

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