Monday, January 28, 2013


He was doing good at first actually, but he fell at the finals for hurdles :(
idk this is why I didn't want him to join at the very first place
So yeah he lost today, poor baby, knowing him he must be really disappointed with himself :(
I don't know how bad he fell, but he was sent to the hospital and didn't get to compete for high jump hm
It's okay :(
I don't know... I really hope people won't ask him to do this anymore, or if he was invited again, I hope he could reject it.
But I really can't say that because I know he likes sports very much hm

And I won't even talk about people taking up Minho's fans seats............
This happened to Shawols every year lmfao
I'm pretty sure there will be 2nd ISC this year for Chuseok later in September...

Choi Minho, you're the best, please get well soon!
Oh and perfect new hair!