Monday, October 8, 2012


The Kpop Storm concert is like confirm, I will definitely go solely because of SHINee T_T
Will pay the ticket only for the 4 songs T_T


I don't know but there will be around 9 groups 

Each group will perform 3 songs, and SHINee will perform 4.
So basically SHINee will perform last


yea 8 x 3 = 24 songs, I have to endure 24 unknown songs to get to SHINee cRY

srsly tho, I like U-Kiss but I don't listen to their recent songs at all, the last song was that song after 0330 can't even remember the title orz

and orz I didn't even have SHINee's lightstick need to buy T_T

need to save money now incase there will be SWC here (still hoping....)