Tuesday, November 20, 2012

121119 SHINee @ Korean Popular Culture & Arts Awards!

Receiving the award ^_^
 Onew why
Anyway congratulations babies!
Sherlock ; u.u wish this was live but

ugh guise TBQH I just saw Seo Inguk doing this kiyomi thing like half an hour before blingeffect released this fancam
when I saw the preview pics earlier I was like "what is he doing"
then I saw Seo Inguk's video
So apparently this is the new aegyo in Korea lmfao just like bbuingbbuing you know orz
but I don't know who started this lmfao
watching Gangnam Style lmfao qts
eep Jongyu Onho T_T

Onew singing along to Moves like Jagger cry
I don't know who sings this tho