Tuesday, September 3, 2013


well that incident in taiwan
who to be blamed ?

the fan ? the security ? or shinee ?

i am not in any position to comment on this matter but i dont think shinee is the one to be blamed ?
no matter what -- fans need to keep distant from idols and security guards shouldn't be too harsh ----- i've witnessed sm's securities --- they are the worst

well this thing already happened i hope fans learned their lesson not to get close to the boys i mean well you guys can take pictures ? but please don't go near the boys ---- i'm saying this because your safety is the most important --- the security can do more than this
anddd it's the security job to protect shinee....

so take note
news are all over taiwan already
the boys are so busy and tired they don't need this to be quite honest

i mean it's not like shinee never help anyone that run into them but there are times ( times like this ) that they couldn't 
you're not always lucky
pls take care of yourselves just don't go too near to the boys 

we were better than this, shinee world...
i hope the girl is fine.....